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Have you considered purchasing a pet tarantula online?

Tarantula husbandry is easily one of the least time consuming and most fascinating hobbies you’ll ever get into. Not only are there many different species of tarantulas with an array of different behaviors and colorations, but they are also extremely easy to care for. As adults, a pet tarantula only needs to be fed once a week. Even as spiderlings, feeding is still once or twice a week until they’ve reached an inch or two in leg span. As far as water goes, a nice weekly overflow of their water dish helps keep humidity levels constant and thirsty tarantulas quenched. Tarantulas are also naturally tidy creatures, so their substrate can go unchanged for over a year! Along with the enjoyment of observing these amazing creatures, being a part of this hobby helps with the natural conservation of endangered tarantula species all around the world and helps to eliminate the exportation of wild specimens.

Finding the right pet spider

Our customers put a lot of care into finding out about the history of their pet spider. Recently, we received a couple lots of tarantulas local to the Philippine Islands. Although indigenous to a location outside of the country, these in particular were bred in captivity within the US. Orphnaecus philippinus and Phlogiellus baeri are fascinating tarantulas that tend to be obligate burrowers. What this means is that they will take it upon themselves to bulldoze through inches of substrate, creating an ant farm effect along the sides and bottoms of their enclosure. Some species, including O. philippinus, will also web up around the opening of the burrow and incorporate any dug out substrate into the webbing itself.

Phlogiellus baeri, commonly known as “Philippine Dwarf Tarantulas”, are relatively new to the US and deserve the demand they’ve been receiving within the hobby. Small yet speedy, P. baeri are one of the few dwarf tarantulas found in Asia. Although they are fast, they do not tend to be as defensive as most Old World tarantulas (tarantulas native to Asia, Africa, and Australia) and will retreat before rearing their fangs. Reaching a manageable 2″ leg span, set ups for these are minimal. A tall, plastic, food-storage container with ample top and cross ventilation, filled 3/4 of the way with an absorbent and sturdy substrate (peat moss mixed with vermiculite) will do just fine as an adult enclosure. P. baeri do best at around 80 degrees F with somewhat moist substrate. As spiderlings, they will take to pin head crickets, fruit flies, or even an adult cricket’s hind leg. Adults will take full grown crickets, superworms, or roach nymphs.

Speedy yet not so small, Orphnaecus philippinus have a beautiful orange coloration and velvety sheen. The “Philippine Orange Tarantula”, or POT, is an incredible addition to anyone’s collection. Both P baeri and O. philippinus have long, slender legs and a pill shaped opisthosoma (commonly mistaken as the abdomen); however, POTs can reach up to a 6” leg span and go through a fascinating color change from brown to bright orange. Their short setae also give them a smooth, velvety appearance. In spite of the fact that they are obligate burrowers, O. philippinus have more of a tendency to make their burrows half under and half above ground. A ten gallon tank filled halfway with substrate and a few webbing anchors (plants, decorations, etc.) will easily house an adult. Even though these tarantulas aren’t prone to biting, handling should be avoided as they can be very fast. Be sure to use caution when working with any tarantula. Handling is not necessary and puts both the owner and tarantula at risk of getting injured.

Where to find tarantulas for sale

Once you have found the right spider to purchase the next question is who to purchase that animal from. At xyzReptiles we have subdivided our Arachnids section to include Tarantulas, Scorpions and Centipedes. If you’re looking for a site that carries tarantulas for sale feel free to check out our ever expanding new section. Our O. philippinus and P. baeri slings are currently at a ½” leg span and are growing fast! If you’re looking to add some novelty to your collection, you can visit XYZRepitles for a better online pet shopping experience.


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