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How much does a Kenyan sand boa cost?

how much does a kenyan sand boa cost

Kenyan sand boas (G. colubrinus loveridgei) are a moderately sized constructor native to the deserts and scrublands of central and northeastern Africa. If you have ever thought of owning this unique, borderline amusing looking reptile, you may be wondering how much a Kenyan sand boa costs and the amount you can expect to spend over its lifetime.

Of course, that’s where we come in. With this guide, our experts hope to clarify any confusion regarding the cost of Kenyan sand boa care.

How Much Does an Individual Kenyan Sand Boa Cost?

When purchasing a snake from a breeder, you are not simply paying for a live animal. You are purchasing the years – and possibly generations – of resources and testing that go into breeding snakes. Some breeders spend their entire careers trying to express certain genes in their lines. Because of this, the purchase of your snake will likely be the most expensive aspect of your upfront cost.

Additionally, the cost of your snake will depend on breeding, age, and morph you choose. Just to set some clear expectations, let’s review the approximate cost of a Kenyan sand boa for sale and some of the more popular varieties.

How Much Does a Kenyan Sand Boa Setup Cost?

Once you’ve budgeted for purchasing your pet, it’s time to think about where it’s going to live. As a baby, your snake will be able to comfortably live in a 10 gallon tank, which will cost approximately $60 on its own. However, as it grows older and larger, it will need to be moved to a 20 gallon tank, which may cost around $120. Remember, this will not include various reoccurring costs, such as:

  • Reptile Thermometer ~$15
  • Reptile heat lamps and pads ~$10-$25
  • Branches and vines ~$10 each
  • Water dish ~$12
  • Hiding spaces ~$8-$15
  • Substrate ~ $10-$30 a bag
  • Feeding tongs ~ $10

Of course, prices on these items may vary.

If you’re not sure on where to start searching for the basics or simply want everything you need to arrive at once, we would recommend seeking out a 10 gallon starter kit that will have what you need from the get-go.

Recurring Costs

While snakes are relatively low-maintenance pets, there will be certain recurring costs that you should note when budgeting for your pet. Feeding, medical care, and heating/lighting are all things that you are going to spend money on throughout your pet’s life.

Feeding Your Kenyan Sand Boa

If you’re concerned about being able to afford food throughout your Kenyan sand boa’s lifetime, you can rest easy knowing that this will be one of the lowest cost aspects of owning your pet. Adult snakes do not and should not eat frequently, being perfectly content to eat approximately three times a month. Hatchlings and juveniles will need to eat around once a week.

As a small hatching, your sand boa will be eating “pinky” or “fuzzy” mice, which will cost approximately $1.50 each. Adult frozen mice/rats will cost around $3 each. Be sure to feed your snake a food item that is appropriate for its size. This will be about as big as the thickest part of your reptile. To get a better idea of what you can expect when feeding your pet, read “What do Pet Snakes Eat?“.

One way to tell that your snake is eating properly is observing its body condition. If their spine is pointy, or head is a defined triangle shape, they may be underweight.

Lighting For Your Kenyan Sand Boa

Heat lamps that emit UVA/UVB rays for your reptile are a non-negotiable part of its care. Your Kenyan sand boa will need this to absorb vital nutrients in addition to regulating its body temperature. While we have already mentioned how much you can expect these bulbs to cost, you will also need to take other factors into consideration. This includes how much electricity they’re going to use on a monthly basis.

Medical Care For Your Kenyan Sand Boa

Of course, consistent vet care will be instrumental in making sure your pet lives a full, healthy life. That means building a relationship with an experienced exotic vet, which can be a somewhat difficult and expensive process. With that being said, the journey to finding a good medical provider for your pet is worth it.

Final Thoughts

Any pet you seek out is going to require some type of monetary investment. From making the final decision on that perfect Kenyan sand boa for sale to choosing the right vet, every purchase will make a difference in your pet’s life. That is why it’s important to plan accordingly, and consider everything that your boa is going to need over its lifetime. Even the small, seemingly unimportant things.

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